Friday, February 8, 2008

High-Five Fridays #4

You know, I figured I'd come up with a theme and do this thing every week, but I'm starting to think I won't be able to keep it up. LOL I'm not even sure I can have all the links in keeping with the theme of my blog. Sad, I know. You'd think, writing erotica, I'd have all kinds of kinky things on my bookmarks and all sorts of lovely tidbits I'd be bursting to share by the end of the week. Well, being celibate, and therefore boring, I spend more time avoiding sexual stuff than indulging in it. Wait, that was too much info, wasn't it? Oh well. At least my handful of readers know why I'm not updating my personal bookstore more often. Speaking of links...

1. My I swear I'll be adding more stories - novel-length, novella, and shorts - when my brain slows down enough to let me focus on one thing at a time. I'm currently working on 6(?) novels. It's a wonder I remember I have blogs. Anyway, you'll find 3 masterpieces from me, one of which is memorialized in a steamy (within TOS boundaries) YouTube video. The two shorts stories on the page are free, but beware erotica readers: one of those stories is a SPIRITUAL, NON-EROTIC story. Don't open it expecting it to be something it's not. LOL

2. My Self-explanatory. Pick up a calendar or a nice print. Frame choices available.

3. Loving the Love Scene by Ashlyn Chase A look at how we writers (smutters? erotiers? gods/goddesses of the senses and imagination?) put together those steamy scenes that have fans dog-earring our novels and attaching scandalous post-its to their partner's expense reports. A good read with an incentive.

From Ash on myspace: If you feel inclined to leave a comment you'll be entered into 2 drawings!

1) for a copy of my paperback, Heaving Bosoms.

2) for a Versace designer inspired purse! See my website for details.

*Due to high International postage, I'll give a download of your
choice if you're on another continent.

Go to it people!

4. I must pay tribute to Christina Aguilera's new mommy boobies. Congratulations. On the healthy baby too. I wonder if she feels like she wasted money buying the plastic ones. See, having a baby is a cheaper way of getting boobs! It's totally on my to-do list to hit a C cup before I'm 30. BTW, she's got a new live CD and DVD out as well.

5. Angelina (yes again). She makes being a UN Ambassador hot. Oh, and she's talking about important subjects as well. Only a few (hundred) more steps and she'll earn her walking-on-water merit badge.

Find out how to give your High-Five Fridays here!

The purpose of this meme is to give high-fives to 5 people, posts, blogs and/or websites you've admired during the week. I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 5 high-fives on Friday. Trackbacks, pings, linky widgets, comment links accepted!

Visiting fellow High-Fivers is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your High-Fives in others comments (please note if NWS).


Secondhand Rose said...

A warning for non-erotic works -- what an idea! lol

Thanks for stopping by :)

Deanna Dahlsad said...

I usually just start a post with the first linky I love, and build it all week, then just spiff it up & publish it on Friday. If there's a theme in there, well, I don't think that's happened really; but at least I'm all ready for the high-fives.

On the other hand, I have no advice for the celibacy -- oh wait, I think I may just have given you advice there :p

Anonymous said...

I'm too busy giggling over the "Ms Winters" in the sidebar review to say anything else lol

"Ms Winters"? Hell, you're so scary now that everyone's so formal lol

Maybe it's not funny -- but for some reason it's hysterical to me today. ;)

Sara Winters said...

Hon, being single scares me more. LOL

Marketing Whore said...

Heavens, why would being single scare you? Prowl!

I'm up here and here.

DoubleDeckerBusGuy said...

Interesting list o' linky love!

...and if I do "open" the link to the fiction at Lulu and expect something that it's not??? What happens!!!?!

Anonymous said...

Yes, and this is a big part of the reason that I <3 Angelina :D

As an erotica writer, I enjoyed the article by Ashlyn Chase as well.

Gracie Passette said...

Just a note that I've got a belated post too ;)