Sunday, December 30, 2012

So, I have a kinky side

Yeah, kinky (mind) = me. I'm sure the people reading this who know me will be shocked to read that. Shocked, I tell you. And yet, I am the most boring person when it comes to adventurous pursuits. All my creative energy goes into my stories. Some of it is more adventurous than others. And goodness knows I've written some things I have no practical knowledge of (in spite of that the fact I've had three different people who don't know each other say I'd be a good dominatrix).

Right now I'm reading Whip Me, Beat Me, Make Me Write Hot Sex! in an attempt to get a more factual basis for things I've written about in the past and at least one book that's in the works in the Savannah series. The book is fairly straightforward so far, and I'm hoping it goes into more detail later. (Shut up. Yes, you. No laughing in the corner there.) I'm all about the educational books. Especially if they have pictures.

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