Wednesday, June 8, 2011

catching up

I bit the bullet last night and sent the story off. I'm waiting for the OMGWhatwasIthinking?!Thisstorysucks!! part of my brain to kick in. After my caffeine wakes me completely, probably.

It's so weird. I haven't done a ton of writing the last few months, but I feel more accomplished - I've gotten a few things done that I'd been putting off for a while. I have a website (that I will be doing more with). I'm rewriting the older stories that I know can be improved. I've gotten brave enough to submit to a publisher I've been reading since I was six. Other things (like my next novel) to come.

Oh! Nook users, you can now find my free short story First Impression on the Barnes and Nobles website. It should be on other websites (like Amazon, etc) soon enough.

If any of you are in the mood, feel free to leave a rating and/or review for the story on Goodreads. If you don't want to download the story, you can read it on the Goodreads site. Just click on my profile.

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